Monday 24 October 2011

Looking for the silver lining

One thing that in the past I have not been great at is seeing the positive in life.  I am trying to turn over a new leaf in this regard.  I do not want to see my life as a meaningless, horrible, pain filled existence.  I want to live my life to the fullest and enjoy my family.  I love my children and my husband.  I want to be the best mother and wife I can be.  Having RA makes that difficult but not impossible.

The thing is that YES having RA means there are things I can not do.  Yes I can't play all the games other parents play.  I can't run around or even fill up every day of the school holidays and weekends.  I try to choose a couple of activities over a two week holiday and enjoy those times.  On the days we stay home we do other things. We watch movies, do scrap booking, cook, and just fill up the days at home.

My kids know a mommy who can't do a lot, but who love them.  They have to help out mommy, and sometimes get fed up with it.  You know what though?  My kids never point at the disabled people. At my daughters old school one of the other children's father was in a wheel chair.  Belle my oldest never noticed the wheel chair.  She didn't notice that there was something different about the man or the daughter.  The little girl didn't have to answer all the question's that everyone else in the class had.  It was what it was, and it was not something to be talked about or scared over.  My children know people come in all different shapes and sizes and that some people can do things others can't.  It is just daily life for them.

Having RA can suck big time, but it can also make you stop and smell the flowers.  Those of us with RA are forced to slow down.  We are forced to stop and rest, how many people willingly give themselves the right or chance to do that.  We have a life that in so many ways is taken away from us.  Yet despite that we have the right, and the ability to make the new life we have better.  No we may not accomplish all the things we dreamt that we would.  We may not have the life that we always wanted,  but we can have a good one none the less.  We can have wonderful special time with our children and loved one, without having to go out.

I found my silver lining, and I will hold onto it.  On the bad days I will try and see that silver lining no matter how bad things gets.

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