Wednesday 7 September 2011

The joys of children!

I have three children.  

My oldest is 8, will be 9 in January and is in Year 2 (second grade).

My middle child is 7, in fact turned 7 last week, she is in Year 1 (first grade).

Then there is my boy, who is the baby, who is 4, almost 5.  He will start school in Jan/Feb of next year.

 My middle child is the one who totally pushed me beyond the limits of my patience and sanity this morning.  Now I have to say that she is the one who shows early signs of possibly having JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis).  When we really started worrying about it, I decided I had to tackle my disease in a whole new way.  I could  no longer sit or lay around feeling sorry for myself.  If she does indeed develop or have JRA I need to be the one to show her it is not the end of the world.  I need to show her it is still possible to accomplish our dreams and have a life.  With that said, mornings are not a good time for her.  It takes her a good thirty minutes to get moving in the morning and then some mornings she is more than just a little difficult, like this morning.

She was all happy while sitting on the couch watching TV with her brother and sister.  Then I asked her to get ready for school and immediately the excuses started.  Now yesterday morning she woke up with quite a bit of swelling in her back under her right shoulder blade.  This is a spot on me that can get some pretty horrendous flares.  I get to the point where I can't breathe because of the immense pain associated with it.  Sleeping is next to impossible and it takes a good 3 days of constant pain medications to get the pain back under control.  Now I never now what is going to cause this so I have no way of knowing when to expect it.  So yesterday I though, well she might not have a great day.  I gave her Nurofen (Ibuprofen) and sent her to school.  She seemed fine, was really grumpy and whiney when she got home.  So silly me I was not expecting a difficult time this morning.  Don't ask me why, I guess I was living in a fantasy world.  At times my darling middle child can fixate on things.  She did this, this morning.

What did she fixate on you ask?  Well oddly enough something she has known for some time.  This morning one of her shoes, yes just one, was too big for her.  <SIGH>  Yes I did sigh on her.  I have explained to her before that she wears those same exact shoes every single school day.  I tried this tact this morning.  It just lead to more and louder crying and screaming.  So I said, Rhaine you know one of your feet is bigger than the other, those are the same shoes you always wear.  Around the 15 minute mark she decided to demonstrate the fact that one shoe was WAY TOO big for her by kicking it off and across the kitchen.  Still I am keeping my cool.  After a good 20+ minutes of this she finally put her shoes on.  I had gotten her lunch ready all she had to do was put it in her lunchbox.  After she did that she sat on the floor growling at her own shoe trying to make it even tighter than it already was.  SO finally we are done with the shoe drama, we move onto breakfast.  She wanted peanut butter toast.  I made it for her and she carries it to the table and scream bloody murder yet again.  This time it is cause her brother and sister had Strawberry Milk.  I told her  they asked for it, you have not asked for Chocolate Milk, do you want chocolate milk?  She did and I made it for her.  She then goes to the table to start eating her toast.  She ended up dripping peanut butter all over her shirt and started screaming.  I again not quite so calmly told her to just go change her shirt.  She did and now we start getting her hair ready.  I should tell you today is school picture day.  We are not actually buying pictures but she still has to look okay for the class photo.  Well she got upset YET AGAIN cause both girls have lost all the blue ponytail holders and she has to have blue today.  I tried to explain that no one was going to see the white scrunchee cause it was going to be at the back of her head.  She freaks out on me cause while I am brushing her hair and moving her head ALL over the place she is worried that the ponytail will end up on the side of her head.  The side of her head is TOTALLY unacceptable as far as she is concerned.  I get the pony tail in and she screams it hurts.  I took it out, at this stage I am really at the end of my string. So she tells me she wants to do her own hair.  I refuse, so she cries and whines the whole time, but I get that dadgum ponytail in.  She puts her hands on her head and screams at me, cause she decided it is not in the middle.  At this point my patience is at it's end.  I tell her it was in the middle and to get over it.  So while she is crying I have to get her school jumper on her, not an easy task.  Now I have no idea why, but the crying continues.  I look at her and told her I was done with her.  Yes I am a horrible mother, I further said I can't take anymore of this, this morning we are going to school.  She cries all the way to the car, I slammed the front door, she cries as she is getting into the car, I slammed that door to.  SO what do you think happens as I get myself into the car, she quits the freaking crying, completely and totally.  She we get to school and she is once again my loving, caring, cuddly little baby girl.  Apparently she was over being upset with me cause she held my hand all the way to her class, then had me walk her down the steps to the play area.  At this stage I see she got peanut butter on her skirt.  She told me it was no big deal to go ahead and go.  I had to take her to the bathroom to clean it up.  There is a boy in her class who is allergic to peanuts, God I hope I got it all out.  I also told her she could not have peanut butter toast for breakfast on school mornings anymore.  God help me on the day she forgets that one...

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